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my blog.. :3

April 15th, 2024

hi teehee twoish blog posts in one day O_O!! i say two ISH ebcause the first one i made is on a different page (its here if you havent seen it yet) but yeah both of these pages are basically just blogs anyways hehe. sooo ya. i learned how to use an electric can opener it was kinda difficult at first but i mean it worked enough for me to get the green beans out so yay. yesterday i made food for my mom bc shes injured but dont worry she got an xray and nothings broken she just needs to take it easy for a few days(maybe? idk how long things take to heal O_O). i also read homestuck with my dear sibling cali for 4/13 and we read out loud and it was fun. well until caliborn was caliborn but u know how that goes e_e... buuuut anywayswe read around 15 pages i think? man imagine if we read 13 pages that would be funny.we also kinda matched pfps as tavros and jake. epic page moments!!!!!!!!!! i could go on and on about the funny homestuck shenanigans but tbh i dont want to make 90% of this blogpost just about homestuck help meeeeeee. also feel free to email me cutiecake@outlook.com if u want to talk about jake english but make sure u put ":3" in the title so i know ur not a random bot or something hehe. ok thats all goodbye for now :3

April 10th, 2024

Hi guys its been a while. okay well not that long lol. but stilllll! ive added more graphics and im gonna add them to the meowpage once i find the website i got them from so i can also update links/credits. and kandi adventures is going to be sorta like just another blog but specifically for my kandi and crafting ans stuff but ill probbaly also put like images sand stuff. i mean and not sand ok? anddddddd my cats will be pics of my cats and like info and stuff. idk where ill host the images probbbbbbbably on postimages or maybe filegarden idk.. :3 okay thats all im in us governemnt class goodbye. OH ASLO I GOT THE CURSOR WORKING FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY ok thats all for real now the end

March 28th, 2024

First entry lol hi. i started the b log yesterday but i didnt actually make the page for it till now sooo whatevre. This is fun. yay. :3 this sites theme is like waaaaaaaay different from my other site it was mainly inspired by nekoweb.org like main site layout yknow and i wanted it to be kitty themed. yay. im working on making a font mainly just to make the logo on the banner but idek if ill like it all that much more than what i alkready have lol. we will see ok. i wanna make two ocs one based on nekoweb (likee a kitty spider... web yk yk yk) and one based on neocities (cat again but orange and like cityscape aesthetics or whatevber) spider kitty or city slicker kitty choose your fighter. i choose both cuz im cool like that ok. ok the end to blod entry one im gonna fiddle with the styling of this and some other stuff now